How to Start a Dirt Bike That Has Been Sitting
When you are trying to start a dirt bike sitting for a while, you might get confused. You tried everything; kicking it, trying to start it with the kick starter, but nothing’s working.

Your frustration level is through the roof! But, don’t worry- we are here to help you fix your problem so that you can enjoy this race. In this article, I will discuss an easy technique on how to start a dirt bike that has been sitting.
Required Materials:
- A good battery charger for the dirt bike. Make sure this is a quality unit that will not damage your batteries and can charge them properly. You may want to buy one rated at 100 amps or more depending on what type of motorcycle you have, as well as its size
- New spark plugs (if old)
- An air filter if needed (can be purchased separately at most auto stores). This should only need replacing once every six months. – Four new tires with pressure checked if they are over two years old and/or show signs of wear. (Check it out to learn to Clean Dirt Bike Air Filter)
- Do not forget to wear the safety things like gloves and goggles.
A process on How to Start a Dirt Bike That Has Been Sitting:

- Find the fuel line and remove any dirt or debris from it.
- Unscrew the nuts that hold down the gas cap, then unscrew the nozzle on top of your tank to release air pressure. You will hear a hissing sound when you do this step. Allow two minutes for all remaining air bubbles in your system to escape before filling up with new gasoline at an automotive store.
- Hold your bike upright (with both feet touching the ground) and use one hand to twist off the throttle grip while holding onto handles above handlebars with the other hand. Hold these positions until the engine purges itself of old fuel and starts running again, then let go of grips, so they are resting around the main body of the frame but not on it.
- Turn on fuel petcock and gas cap (even if you have just released air pressure from the tank)
- Raise the kickstand, then pushbike to a safe spot with plenty of room for the engine to run without hitting anything or overheating.
- Start your bike by turning throttle grip once again while holding onto handles around handlebars with both hands until you hear an easy running sound. Allow about four seconds before letting go of grips, so they are resting against the main body of the frame but not on it.)
- If these steps do not work: try pushing up on the compression release button at the bottom left side near the crankshaft, which should be closed when riding normally, located below the clutch cover that is right of the engine.
- If the bike is still not starting, remove the spark plug wire from the coil, and while pedaling the bike with a disengaged clutch or by using a battery jumper set to produce a maximum voltage (12 volts), jump the terminals on the end of the plug where it attaches to the cylinder head. If this doesn’t work, replace the plug and try again.
Be sure that your safety gear, including gloves and boots, are tightened before attempting any repair procedures because dirt bikes have high power output.
Once you get the bike started, pull off the gas cap, which will release some pressure in-tank if there was too much sitting time without running. Next, engage the compression release button, then push the start button when ready for next use so gasoline can flow through the carburetor.
Key Considerations While Starting a Dirt Bike that Has Been Sitting:

- If the bike has been sitting for a long time, check to see if there is dirt left on top of the spark plugs from when you last rode it. If this is the case, do not start your engine, as doing so could cause an explosion.
- Check that all four tires are inflated properly and have enough air in them before starting. Low tire pressure will make it difficult to accelerate and maintain speed. Air pressure should be checked monthly or at least every other week, depending on how often they’re used.
- Ensure any loose items such as bags, keys, wallets, etc., are securely fastened or stored with you before beginning. These objects can become airborne while riding, making them hazardous to you and others.
- Ensure to read your owner’s manual for specific instructions on how to start the bike if any important safety details need to be addressed, such as if it starts by pushing a button or pulling the kick starter lever.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Happens to Your Bike if You Don’t Ride It for a While?
Many people store their dirt bikes in a garage, but the climate and conditions can affect even stored bikes. For example, a bike sitting for six months to one year will have its battery die because of an inability to maintain charge. The engine also may get gummed up from dust or lack of lubrication if it isn’t serviced regularly.
If you don’t ride your bike all winter long, then you should take it to a mechanic before firing it up again this spring so they can change the oil and grease parts like brakes and hubs, which tend to seize over time when not used often enough.
How Long Does It Take for a Bike to Start After Sitting in the Rain for Four Days Without Being Turned on at All or Charged?
A bike sitting in the rain for four days without being turned on at all or charged will not start, and there’s a good chance it won’t be able to charge.
A typical battery can only take so many charge cycles before completely dying out. So if you leave your motorcycle dormant for too long (more than two months), then it is time to get a new battery.
You may have some luck if you jump-start your bike with another vehicle that has a running engine. Still, this method should not be relied upon as an everyday solution because of its dangerous nature: It could result in sparks or explosions caused by short circuits within the system.
What Are Three Things You Can Do if Your Dirt Bike Dies Halfway Through a Race?
Try turning the ignition on and off to see if it will turn back on. If not, jump-start your bike by connecting a battery charger or car battery charger terminal to the positive post of your dirt bike’s battery.
You might be able to pop out any debris that is clogging up your carbs with an old pencil eraser (or something similar) while you’re cranking the engine over until you’ve cleared it all out.
Sometimes recharging doesn’t always work, so try opening up each cylinder one at a time and spray compressed air inside them from an aerosol can tester for cars. Just make sure there are no sparks around when doing this.
What we’ve covered in this article should give you a pretty good idea of how to start up your dirt bike. As I stated initially, it’s not as hard as it may seem, and with these steps, you’ll be able to get on that ride in no time.